The Lucky Love Dog Story

Together, we've saved over 5200 shelter dogs

Saving dogs is my passion.  From Texas to Mexico to Thailand,  I’ve been lucky to have been a part of the rescue stories of so many beautiful lives...  lives that rely on humans to give them a second chance. 

Lucky Love Dog donates to rescues and shelters around the United States. Last year we gave back over $82,000 to fabulous organizations that are saving lives and doing grassroots rescue work.

I am also the Director of Addicus' Legacy Dog Rescue, a 100% volunteer based rescue that saves hundreds of dogs each year off euthanasia lists in Texas and Mexico.  Our amazing team of volunteers saves the sick, the healthy, the young and the old. With your help, we are making a difference. We have helped over 5200 dogs find their forever families and new beginnings.

Visit some very special dogs looking for homes here:   


We sincerely appreciate your support and look forward to offering our loyal fans lots of fantastic new products in the future. 


Lucky Love Dog Founder
(and my fabulous motley crew: Murphy, Penny, Linus, and Molly)

Our Story

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